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Showing posts from May, 2010

Maternal Grandmother

What I remember about grandma Lois... Picking strawberries w/her in Perry City... Making Red Currant Jelly at her side... Everything Crochet and Knitting... Her passion for literature... Seeing how she enjoyed the idiosyncrasies of watching chickens... Her unyielding spirited nature... Traveling w/her to Marine Land in Canada... Traveling w/her to Bush Gardens in Florida... Her cupboards and cupboards of Tupperware... Working for her in the summer... The big white "marsh-mellow type" coat she bought me to keep my very pregnant belly warm... Her perseverance through a life of obstacles... The over-sized meals she would make at our weekly family gatherings... What I learned from her... I feel badly for her regarding the stories about her challenging times in life... then I feel disappointed yet understanding with regard to some of her coping choices... Over the years, I have tried to "fine tune" my ability to develop the "whole picture" when observing any gi

Paternal Matriarch

Two Word Summary... No Nonsense Wow what an influential woman! She has outlived 4 husbands, has persevered far more than Scarlett O'hara and would do most anything to help anyone in need. She told me once that, "she wanted to live to be 100 and not a day more"... well she is 92 and I pray she gets her wish! Interesting facts about Helen: -as a young bride she lived in a remodeled schoolbus -she lost her first born at 6ms to Typhoid Fever -she only consumed one alcoholic drink in 92 years "and that one was because she was tricked" -worked as an assistant nurse, caring for others until she was 72+ -never smoked -Strong Christian Woman (Baptist) -Hair went completely white very early in life -Raised 6 sons and one daughter -Believed "it isn't a sin to be poor...but it is to be dirty... cleanliness is next to Godliness" -Gardened and canned everything -"No couple sleeps in the same room unless they are legally married" - I remember standing

Catching Up May 9th thru Today Saturday,May 22nd

Does anyone remember the fresh scent of cool sheets/ towels dried in the spring air and sunshine? When I was a young girl I remember several clothes lines... My Paternal Grandmother's hanging high in the air...attached both at the back door of her hill top farm house and at the highest point a boy could climb in the tree across the yard. A pulley wheeled the linens out in the morning and back before sunset. My mom's line... teaching me to conserve space and clothes pins by slightly overlapping two items... allowing the use of one pin instead of two. I didn't realize how simple life was then... My oldest child has just turned 21, graduated college, become engaged and moved into her own home. Life is moving fast these days and it seems that there are no "brakes" to slow the pace of life down. It can be a challenge to make time for the simple things... but the simple times really can be the most important moments in life... I have been thinking about it and have dec

Thurs. May 6 - Saturday May 8th 2010 / Saturday Morning Cartoons

Today is one of those days when you wake up feeling like... It was only yesterday when I couldn't wait to quietly jump out of bed, pour a bowl of cereal and watch Saturday Morning Cartoons... But the years have passed overnight... I am 40 now, and cartoons are available "on demand" every day. I think that children have both lost and found something in these modern days. Lost the anticipation of "Saturday Morning Cartoons" or "Sunday evening's, Wild Animal Kingdom, and the Disney Special"... Found an expectation for immediate response. -Instant 24/7 communication ability via Internet (IM, email, facebook, myspace, blogging, etc.), cell phone (calls, text etc.) -Unlimited Video Program Access: DVDs, TIVO, YouTube, 500 TV Channels 24/7, etc..... Disney's "Vault" Program is a marketing ploy, I am sure. However... as frustrated with it as I am, I must admit.... it is nice to feel that nostalgic anticipation for something special that we

May 4 & 5, 2010 - My "Hachi"

Just watch the movie "Hachi" and you will understand my relationship with Trinket. Who would have ever guessed I would be a small dog lover??? A faithful dedicated pet is a heart-warming asset to a life of challenges:-)

April 26 - Monday May 3, 2010 A Week Gone By

Sooo you are probably thinking.... what is the Lumberjack all about??? Answer: nothing at all I have just always liked the whole manliness nature of a lumberjack :-) Anyhow... Another week in time... more new job orientation, more domestic navigation, a little spring cleaning, some overnight guests... Cheering for my husband and his buddy as they completed a local triathlon yesterday! They did an awesome job!!! Today is about sorting piles of old (&new) mail... making phone calls, scheduling appointments and being the quality of "glue" that keeps the family together... you all know the stuff I am talking about. The nice part of today is that for the first time in awhile it is completely quiet hmmmmm:-)