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Showing posts from July, 2010

Aunt Jackie

Well, it is almost 11:40pm... I am the only one awake... can't sleep. My mind is drawn to my Aunt Jackie. Age-wise she could be my older sister, we are only about 10 years apart. A few years back we would have an occasional "night out with the girls", I was forbidden to call her "Aunt" Jackie on those fun occasions . As a young girl I looked up to her... I have always believed her to be one of the most beautiful females that I know. One particular thing that stays with me is a bandanna bikini she made and wore well... boy was she something to a young impressionable girl... but you know what, she may or may not still sport the bandanna bikini but she still makes an impression on those she touches. She is a survivor... she has seen some challenging times in life and has persevered through it all. She emits a kind gentle-natured spirit that is nice to be around. My heart is heavy as I learn of Aunt Jackie's recent life challenges. I feel the weight of the h