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Showing posts from November, 2010

Processing "The" Transition

Spiritual Transitions, like physical change, are essential threads that together weave the fabric of life. When change happens a transition is coupled to it... A baby is born...people become parents... The child grows... a lively home becomes an empty nest... The physical body ceases to function... the spirit is set free... The spirit transitions from a world of man... Shedding Human Nature... in exchange for a celestial life of everlasting love, comfort and understanding. So what does it mean to live a "good" life???? Every man and woman must travel from point "A" (birth) to point "B" (death)... There are NO exceptions to this math equation. God given "free will" allows EVERY person to choose their path from "A" to "B". Choosing the "right" path through life is difficult... Staying on the "right" path throughout life is even harder. Exceptional people not only choose the "right" path and strive e