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Showing posts from December, 2011

Some Thoughts...

I have been wandering without a true creative outlet for some time now... it was right in front of me all the while... just write! Most recent thoughts to ponder are two... Chicken Integration & Family Feuds First the Chickens: Our three laying hens have a beautiful custom hen house and two to three hours a day of open yard free ranging. They enjoy being held and talked to. The down side is that they are several years old now and have ceased to produce eggs. I guess they have become pets for the remainder of their time on earth. Our neighbor girl enjoys farming and animals of all types. She and I got three new chicks about three months ago... two for her and one for me. After about 6 weeks I tried to integrate my chick with my older hens... it didn't work out. The older hens were intolerant to the change. The chicks stayed at the neighbor's house till yesterday. Yesterday we put the three chicks (now three months old) in the pen with the older hens... It is now about 24 hou