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Showing posts from June, 2010

My Other Mother "MOM"

Strong, Honest, Giving, Kind, Hard-working, Committed, Loving, Insightful, Peaceful, Family-oriented, Funny, Resourceful, Flexible, Understanding, Easy-to-talk-to, are just some of the adjectives that describe this remarkable woman. She has been a pillar in my life and in our family since early childhood... many times she was "the glue" that held us together. She is modest, never boastful, and always lends a hand to anyone in need. I thank God that she came in to our lives! I remember introducing her to our horse "Patches" and showing her how to feed him... I remember thinking how Cool she was on her motorcycle... I have always enjoyed sharing thoughts, feelings and life in general with her... she is an excellent listener who truly cares. She is a therapeutic painter who has experienced a fair share of "color" throughout this life... I have been blessed to have her in my life! I really do think the world of her:-)

Long Time No Post

Life has been a whirlwind of activity, work, travel, family events and motion. While I embrace life in forward motion it is a special jewel when a moment of calm presents itself. So many people are caught in a whirlwind of, "life in motion" these days... As I talk with friends and family members my prayer list grows ever longer and my spirit can struggle to "focus on the positive"... In my heart I truly believe that focusing on the positive and working through the challenges is the best way to navigate this life. I have so very much that I am grateful for... so many blessings... God will help manage the rest:-)

June 1st 2010 - Happy Birthday Dad!

My Dad has played a big role in adding "color" to my "not-so-monochromatic" life! There have been times that our passionate personalities "lit up the sky" with the fireworks sparked by our differing mindsets... But there is only one person on this planet that I learned to dance with on the tops of his feet... One person who inspired my love of antiques, unique collectibles, auctions, yard sales, recycling , remodeling, refashioning, reusing and reinventing what is old and making it new again. I planted my first tree with him... I rode my first horse with him... I depended on him to kill the bugs I was soo afraid of when I was only 2... I learned to change car oil with him... I learned how to use power tools from him... I went "smelt fishing" once in my life, in the middle of the night, with him... I will never forget how he saved my injured dog (Jodie) and warmed my young heart... I will always remember how upset and sad he was when as young chi