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June 1st 2010 - Happy Birthday Dad!

My Dad has played a big role in adding "color" to my "not-so-monochromatic" life!
There have been times that our passionate personalities "lit up the sky" with the fireworks sparked by our differing mindsets...
But there is only one person on this planet that I learned to dance with on the tops of his feet...
One person who inspired my love of antiques, unique collectibles, auctions, yard sales, recycling, remodeling, refashioning, reusing and reinventing what is old and making it new again.
I planted my first tree with him...
I rode my first horse with him...
I depended on him to kill the bugs I was soo afraid of when I was only 2...
I learned to change car oil with him...
I learned how to use power tools from him...
I went "smelt fishing" once in my life, in the middle of the night, with him...
I will never forget how he saved my injured dog (Jodie) and warmed my young heart...
I will always remember how upset and sad he was when as young children, my brother & I were unable to spend time with him...
As a little girl I believed that my father could make &/or fix just about anything!
To this day, whenever I smell a good pipe... I remember my youth and think of Dad...
My father has always been a very hard worker, making certain we all had everything that we needed...
The most important thing that dad has always given me is unconditional love.
My father's lap is the most comforting place in the world to the heavy heart of a young girl...
be she 2, 20 or even 40...
Thank God for My Dad... I love him soo much!!!


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