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Showing posts from September, 2010

Wedding Anniversary #11

By nature I have been fashioned as a caretaker. I truly believe that God never makes"junk", so I do my best to invest in, and take care of Gods creations. My daughter's can confirm that on one car ride I hit a chipmunk... I was emotionally devastated... I stopped the car got out and tried to administer first aid/ CPR to one of God's littlest creatures... when that didn't work I put him in the car and took him to my grandmother... well because she knew how to fix everything... when we reached her house and presented her with my dilemma she asked me if I were crazy???? She said it was in good spirit that I tried... but now I needed to let nature take its course... let it go...and so I did. That being said , I have a horrible confession that still haunts my adult mind... I was a girl of about 3 to 4 years old... I had been staying at my grandparent's country farm... the farm was filled with animals of all kinds... including many, many barn cats. One of the barn c