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Showing posts from October, 2010
Everything Changes… Change is Life in Forward Motion… I embrace life’s changes… but sometimes I grieve the loss related to change. Seasons Change…the hue of the Autumn Leaves is breathtaking… the blank canvas of Winter allows for a fresh Spring start… and Summer brings the family together for backyard barbeques and adventurous vacations. Close relationships can become “loose” over time, situations and distance. Loved ones supplement the quality of the world we live in…then die leaving “holes” that cannot be filled. Seeds become plants that produce flowers and fruit then shrivel and turn brown. Quaint towns become urban driving nightmares. Weekly family dinners evolve into occasional telephone calls and yearly visits. Warm welcomes change to respectfully correct interactions and the cool feeling that the “Connection” has been lost. Nostalgic family homesteads become a battle of property rights… destroying the very principles that the family was built on. Innocence Matures to Understandi