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Showing posts from January, 2011

Book Review

I just finished this book today. It was an easy and fun read. The elderly always make me smile... I like their stories...I respect their mannerisms. They have seen so much throughout their lifetime... They have "been there and done that"... In my experience...people commonly have less "filtering" the older we get, becoming much more direct... open... straight to the point... I love this type of raw human is simply refreshing! The woman who interviews the "Centenarians" does a program for "National Public Radio (NPR)" and initially doesn't have much experience with the elderly. It is fun to watch her geriatric insight sprout and bloom paralleled with the "Centenarian" stories of the past and the present. My interest is further peaked by a reference book the author mentions, "A General Theory of Love". I plan to add it to my library focuses on "the biological basis for human".

Book Review read this book and thought I might like it... I borrowed it...I read it... This book gave me a sense of peace. Peace with death... Peace with dying in general... Peace about my dad's recent death... Peace about grandma's recent death... Peace at the thought of my own mortality. I had more peace in my heart and spirit than I had ever known in my entire life! As a nurse of many years myself, I could relate to the patient stories... Having recently lost several loved ones to death, I related as a grieving family member... But most significantly, as a believer in God, I felt his presence deeper, richer and more supportive than ever! Trudy, a long time Hospice Nurse, does a terrific job sharing the "end of life" stories of several patients and loved ones throughout her life. Instead of remaining uncertain or scared of the transition from this world to the next... you put the book down with a sense of warm understanding.


I am a goal gives me direction...something to work toward...meaning...and a sense of accomplishment. Throughout life I have learned to be flexible with my goals...modifying them as needed to accommodate what is Personal Life Goals: Solid Marriage...healthy well-mannered children...extended family...Love! A home that meets our needs...pets to enjoy...friends...Spiritual Connection... Home decorating...updating...remoldeling...backyard farming...gardening...hobbies (crochet, bead work, writing, digital scrap booking, art) Career Goals Completed: Become an RN...get a a rewarding progressive career Design, build and operate my own Nursing Business (Nostalgic Nursing Services) Administration Director Positions...Nursing Foot Care Specialist Training Completed... Nursing Informatics Training Completed... Health Educator (Health care Facility Staff Development and Community College Teacher)...Case Management Specialist (Community-Based and A

The Sunday Paper

One of my favorite marriage relationship rituals is Reading the Sunday Paper together over a cup of tea or coffee. While the kids play in their rooms (or outside if it's nice) We check out the sales... We discuss sports... We read each other articles and discuss our views... I really look forward to this simple time and will cherish these moments forever* Life is far too short not to realize that "the little things can mean the most"! Today's Paper: 1. "Huckleberry Finn", by Mark Twain is revised... due to the word "nigger" being in the story, "an average of 5 times on some pages"... "over 200 times in the book" I believe that school-aged children would benefit from a "G-rated" version of this classic tale. 2. Rheumatoid Arthritis is escalating in our country... My take is that this and several other common autoimmune disorders are linked to environmental and lifestyle factors like diet (high in processed foods and glu

A Multivitamin for Thought

Finding Quinoa (keen- wa)

About two months ago I was introduced to Quinoa... So what is soo great about that??? Everything! I love pasta and all that is carb-a-liscious...but sadly I have developed a sensitivity to gluten! I tried rice pasta but it was kind of slimy and didn't taste so hot. Rice and I can only tolerate each other in small encounters anyhow. Which left me searching for more than potatoes could offer alone. Then I met Quinoa:-) A Gluten Free "Ancient South American Grain" A "Super Food" high in protein and fiber!!! It comes in both grain form as well as a delicious pasta...what more could a food sensitive carbohydrate seeker want in life!! I can even prepare the grain in my $10. rice cooker as a 1:2, grain: water ratio press the cook button and walk away!!! I love Quinoa!!!

New Year... New Canvas...Let's Paint!

Two days ago my "2010 canvas" was completed... It is forever displayed in my heart and soul as a bitter-sweet cornucopia of color... Fences were mended with my youngest daughter... She came home and went back to college! My brother got divorced... and I lost a good friend. Insight was gained to help my sons' well being... My husband and I have learned to invest in gently "molding" them every day! I found a professional position that seems to be a great fit for me, my health and my family... I bought a wedding gown for my first born baby girl! I watched the same daughter graduate college, turn 21, and start her graduate education... My grandmother... one of the dearest women in my life...left this world. I was blessed to spend the last 2.5 weeks of my father's life with him...with my stepmother...and with my dad made his way to meet grandma "on the other side". Yesterday began the mental mulling over how 2011 should look???? What are m