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I am a goal gives me direction...something to work toward...meaning...and a sense of accomplishment.
Throughout life I have learned to be flexible with my goals...modifying them as needed to accommodate what is

Personal Life Goals:

Solid Marriage...healthy well-mannered children...extended family...Love!
A home that meets our needs...pets to enjoy...friends...Spiritual Connection...
Home decorating...updating...remoldeling...backyard farming...gardening...hobbies (crochet, bead work, writing, digital scrap booking, art)

Career Goals Completed:

Become an RN...get a a rewarding progressive career
Design, build and operate my own Nursing Business (Nostalgic Nursing Services)
Administration Director Positions...Nursing Foot Care Specialist Training Completed... Nursing Informatics Training Completed... Health Educator (Health care Facility Staff Development and Community College Teacher)...Case Management Specialist (Community-Based and Acute Care)

What Now????

For the last few years I have invested a great deal of time and research on Acute Porphyria... first in a search for a diagnosis to my health problems... then as a proactive self treatment investment...
Then I thought I would like to finish my MSN in Nursing Genetics/Genomics to provide counseling and case management for individuals diagnosed with in-born errors of metabolism...I found two or three great web-based Nursing Genetic/Genomic certification programs that would supplement any MSN program
My passion is the influence of life choices and environmental factors on genetic expression and disease management!!!
I support the development of individualized genomic medicine!
I found a terrific training program for "Healthy Home Specialist" (environmental evaluations).
The reality is that with my life, my family and my health demands... my endurance is a fraction of what it used to be...although I still have last year's research...I have let go of the plan to seek a MSN in Genetic/Genomics...I am only able to work part-time and it would just be Too Much!

2011 Tentative Career Goals

1. Complete the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing/ American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Guided Care Nursing Certification Program
2. Complete some on-line CEUs related to Genetics/Genomics, Environmental Health, Counseling, Medicare/Insurance/Disability...
3. Complete an ANCC Exam Prep Class
4. Complete the ANCC Nursing Case Management Certification Exam
5. Grow within my current employment role, while becoming more marketable if my husbands career were to require relocation.
6. Gain more foundation/insight as a writer...


  1. With your focus, determination and faith, I have every confidence that you will realize ALL of your goals.(if the Lord wills) With every goal that you reach, you send showers of blessings out upon others because your goals are always focused on helping others. You have always "loved the broken ones"!

  2. Without you, mom, there would be no me:-)


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