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Reminiscing Northern Appalachian Roots

(1969- 1999)
Northern Appalachia (South Central NY State) with its simple country ways, whispers nostalgic memories of years gone by...
Reminding me of a, less complex... raw and natural world...
Outhouses...old ringer washing machines, that bent the metal buttons on my button fly jeans...
Clothes lines...wooden clothes pins...
Chopping Wood and stacking it in the Shed
The rocks, earth and trees...
More rocks, earth and trees...
Large family get-togethers
Sledding...biking...hiking...horseback riding...
Swimming in the creek with siblings, cousins and neighbors...
"Vicks Vapor Rub"
Whiskey, honey and lemon... a "Whiskey Sling" to treat respiratory illnesses
Cod Liver "cure what ails you"
"Old Lye Soap"... to calm itchy red skin
Backing up to the warmth of the wood stove on a cold winter's morn...
"Tough Love" that fostered strength, independence and resourcefulness.
"Unconditional Love" that never let you down...especially when you needed it most!
A strong Foundation in Spiritual Morality...providing a reliable rudder to navigate a "Good Life's Journey".
Great Grandma's Silver Flatware...Grandpa's Brass Candle Sticks... Grandma's Handmade old wooden cabinet...a large collection of "Blue Willow" dishes... Dad's cast iron frying pan...many stories and numerous memories...all passed from generation to exist side by side with iPhones...Blue Ray Players... Xbox Kinects Games and large flat screen TVs.
Heirloom reminders...sentimental treasures that keep me "grounded" enough to continue "blooming & growing".


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