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Thursday 4/01/2010 - A New Day

The adventure called, "life" sure can become "turbulent" at times...
I really do try to avoid communicating the mundane, especially related to family stress & challenges... but honestly we don't live in a fantasy world. Navigating through the turbulent times has given me depth of character, insight, empathy and the motivation to assertively confront "road blocks" to quality wellness. Someone once told me that life situations are like ocean waves that swell and break continually coming in to shore in a rhythmic type pattern... the good times come and go as do the difficult times... I have been swimming against a rip-tide of difficult waves lately... some days my nerves are thread bare... then the tide calms a bit and I am able to float, to enjoy the ride, the sun on my face & the wind in my hair.

What is "Family Planning"???? My family plan has missed the mark by at least 100 yards or more. Very little has turned out as I had planned... I am realizing that I am not really the one in charge here...
For better or worse here we all are...everyone with his or her own "stuff" we all have to deal with... then I say to myself "oh well, every person on earth has stuff to deal with...this is our stuff...what action steps need to be taken to navigate toward quality wellness???" Then I eat some chocolate...put on my life jacket (to keep me afloat) and take action!

For today... Thing 1 & 2 provided my husband and I with an excellent workout "swimming against a difficult rip-tide"... but we swam together and helped each other stay afloat... it is always easier when your partner "shows up for the workout".


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