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Tuesday 4/20- Sunday 4/25/2010 It's All About The Journey

It has been an interesting week... Teaching the nuances of Medication Administration to eager Nursing Assistants interested in broadening their health care careers as Certified Medication Aides... I love teaching health care courses!!!
Then it was back to my orientee role at the hospital... I have somewhere between 5 and 10 computer programs to learn... all in an effort to make sure our patients are receiving the care they need... insurance is covering the tab... and the hospital is following Medicare guidelines to the letter.
Making connections... that is what I enjoy most in my career!
Empowering students to connect with their learning goals...
Connecting patients with the services and care they need to feel better...
...Feeling like I have made a positive difference in the world at the end of the day!
I think connection making is the best medicine for anything that ails you:-)

Sooo... My Title says "It's All About The Journey".......
I have come to understand certain things about myself.... I am goal oriented
..that used to mean that I set a goal for myself and set my mind to that task until it was complete... "Come Hell or High Water" my stubborn nature did whatever it took to be reach my goal.
Without a goal...I felt without a life purpose.
Over the past 1000 days or so...I have spent many hours both in prayer and in research looking to identify the "right goals"....
Like people that are uncomfortable with silence and fill the air with mindless chatter, I have found myself attempting to create goals that end up being more like passes right through the holes... I have soo many, "Really Great" ideas but only take them to the 30% completion maker and loose more of that old "Hell or High Water" passion.
I felt sad and frustrated about this for a while...I told mom I thought maybe I was just to hard-headed to read God's directional signs... I just couldn't figure out what I was meant to do next in life... guess what I realized????
I'm already doing it...
My life is RICH with "Journey" right now!!!
Marriage, Home, Young Children, Adult Children, New Career Opportunities, Extended Family, Friends, Hobbies, Interests....I have been looking to set a new goal instead of truly enjoying life's journey...letting go...relaxing a little...letting the cards fall where they may...I think it is a new chapter for me.... It's All About The Journey... the people I meet, the experiences...appreciating the moment... trying new things... looking at life in new ways.


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