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Guided Imagery: A Fine Autumn Afternoon in the Country

It is a fine Autumn afternoon… I put on my favorite walking shoes… they are old and over-worn… but sliding them on my feet is like reuniting with a great friend… I call the dog and off we go… Our path is a pebbly dirt road… the air is crisp and clean yet remains warm enough for a simple soft sweater… the dog is happy to be my companion… tail wagging as we walk along. On the right the forest is thick and lush… the colors are spread over the hillside like one of grandmother’s patchwork quilts over her antique brass bed… to the left rolling pasture and farmland. The horses and cows… friends in the same field… though the horses seem much more playful running and frolicking with their young… the young horses seem a bit awkward with their very long legs and disproportionate bodies… in time they will grow into them… I think to myself with a smile. The cows are always so mellow… happy to spend their days quietly contemplating while chewing… A tractor finishing the days work comes to a distant
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