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Nature Roars...While Life Goes On

I have lived between South Central New York and Maryland my whole life... two days ago I experienced feeling my first earthquake! Honestly, I thought the foundation on my old house had finally gave way and the house was caving in... but just then my neighbor called to ask me if "my house was shaking too" (she thought her house was caving in as well)...whew "just an earthquake, 5.8 I hear. Both of our houses are fine.
Now we are preparing for a "terrible hurricane" due to strike tomorrow. Everyone is worried...Ocean City "closed" at 5pm today...turned off all electric, all water, and evacuated all residents and vacationers. New York City is considering closing all mass transit. Wow, Irene is certainly commanding a lot of attention. The coastal areas may face serious damage... but we live 30 minutes inland. I am not quite sure what is wrong with me... I don't feel like everyone else... I feel calm... no sense of fear or motivation to buy great quantities of bread and toilet paper. I am certainly NOT de-valuing the significance that the devastation of a natural disaster can cause... maybe I am just in denial... I don't know?? Maybe... I trust my husband to make good choices for our family's safety, he is devoutly invested in following the weather of the world many times throughout each day... along with sports, politics and other current's his thing. Beyond his best judgements... well I guess I just "Give it to God" as they say... whatever will be...will be... no sense playing the "what if game".

In the midst of nature's was my husband's 47th birthday. Even though he had to work, we had a "surprise lunch party" for him arranged by our daughter/step-daughter. She thoughtfully stayed up most of last night shopping, baking and making a two layer cake with elaborate fondant decoration! Then tonight I made the meal of his choice and surprised him with his favorite treat... freshly made key lime pie (there is a great new bakery in town)! His day seemed pretty great...he received many calls, texts, cards and a few nice gifts.

Now it is 12:15am... the house is dark and quiet, but I cannot sleep... it is my own fault...I drank some terrific berry wine with my husband this evening... my individual health situation does not tolerate alcohol well... insomnia is one of the consequences.

It is so extremely humid outside right now that all of the windows in our house are covered in fog!


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