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My First Post

Wow, my first post... It really is a lot of pressure... I want to appear intellectual, confident, well spoken and interesting... the truth is sometimes I really am all of those things... then again sometimes I am not.
I guess that is plain human reality... (or maybe just my reality).
My original motivation in creating this particular blog was as a practice project for The American Porphyria Foundation. Ms. Lyons asked me to lend my nursing insight and my personal experience with Porphyria to helping the foundation with their new upcoming blog. I agreed... but did not have ANY experience blogging... I really wasn't even sure what a blog was. Since Ms. Lyon's request, I have learned that blog is the shortened version of "web log", a type of virtual "diary" where people can document their thoughts, feelings and perspectives about various topics to share with others. Ok... I thought, this could be a fun way to express one's self. I love to write(although a complete novice), words are like art to me... choosing the right connotations to set the tone and mold the final presentation. Spelling... ahhh spelling, not always my strong point, thank goodness for spell check!

Personally, I am just coming out of a year-long stretch of challenges. A new path has presented itself and I am on it! My new job starts Monday March 29th. I am extremely excited!! I have known I wanted to be a nurse since I was about 5 years old and I love being a Nurse! Nursing Case Management and Health Care Education have been the bulk of my experiences over the 16 years of my career. Now, after having a rare genetic disease "turn up the volume" in my life, I have developed a strong interest in Nursing Genetics/Genomics and Environmental Health. I am currently working on my first book. God willing, I have a goal to complete my Masters in Nursing. I plan to specialize in Clinical Genetics/Genomics and Environmental Health. As an Advanced Practice Nurse I can, more comprehensively, help others identify, prevent and manage genetic/environmental illnesses.
Several years ago I found myself without hobbies, without a passion for life, completely dependent on others to "fill my cup". I did not like who I had become, so I developed a mission to re-create myself.
Today my interests include:
Sensory Meditation, Photography, Bargain Hunting, Fashion Redesign, Interior Design/ Feng Shui, Connecting with the People I Care For, Gardening/Nature, Writing, Research Application, Genetics/Genomics, Heritage, Environmental Health, Appreciating "the Little things" in Life, and Broadening my Mind to Appreciate Alternate Perspectives.
Recently a friend and I came up with a fun idea to critique a new coffee house each week, starting locally and working toward a middle point between our homes (we live about 375 miles apart)!
Then there is the domestic sector of life...
Husband, modern blended family, kids, dogs, house, travel trailer, vehicles, etc. etc.Pretty great overall. I am very lucky with many blessings! The travel trailer has been an awesome tool for family-time, so has the Xtera (4-wheeling on the beach). We have challenges (some heavy), but who doesn't... am I right?
Well...I am thinking that I have jotted down enough information for a "First Date", Seize the Day!


  1. Very well put together! You have much to share and I am sure that you will gain much. You continue to inspire me as you step out of your comfort zone to contribute to the world around you. May God bless your efforts.


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