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Showing posts from August, 2011

"Real Connections" & Providing Chap Stick

When last I wrote the world around me was consumed with "Hurricane Irene", and justly so. Many suffered significant damage related to the storm... and for that my heart is saddened for their loss. My local area has minimal damage to contend with and "the clean-up" is in process. My "brain", my "thoughts" they come and go like most...I suppose. Today I awoke from dreaming about my brother. I have six brothers...four genetic brothers (one full/ three half), and two step-brothers (imagine the challenge the geneticist had trying to chart my pedigree)so let me clarify... I woke up from a dream about the brother I always knew existed... but have never "known". In the dream he and I were talking, it was the middle of the night and we were in the former home of our other brother. My heart was in his hand as I searched for some "common ground" to plant a seed that might bloom into a close sibling relationship... He was upset and I

Nature Roars...While Life Goes On

I have lived between South Central New York and Maryland my whole life... two days ago I experienced feeling my first earthquake! Honestly, I thought the foundation on my old house had finally gave way and the house was caving in... but just then my neighbor called to ask me if "my house was shaking too" (she thought her house was caving in as well)...whew "just an earthquake, 5.8 I hear. Both of our houses are fine. Now we are preparing for a "terrible hurricane" due to strike tomorrow. Everyone is worried...Ocean City "closed" at 5pm today...turned off all electric, all water, and evacuated all residents and vacationers. New York City is considering closing all mass transit. Wow, Irene is certainly commanding a lot of attention. The coastal areas may face serious damage... but we live 30 minutes inland. I am not quite sure what is wrong with me... I don't feel like everyone else... I feel calm... no sense of fear or motivation to buy great qua

Emotional Catharsis

Life Unscripted As previously mentioned we recently spent a few weeks in my hometown area related to my oldest daughter's wedding. The wedding day came and went without issue. My baby girl was a beautiful bride and is now a happy her Mr.. The second week of our time there was scheduled as "down time"... time to relax and enjoy visiting with friends and family. One day that second week I awoke feeling the need to re-connect with my past; to settle emotional "loose strings"; to change somethings about my life. We had traveled home in my husband's old manual stick shift F150 truck... kayak on top... back packed full of everything but the kitchen sink. I don't drive his truck as well as I should to go out on my own for the day, besides a good insightful partner would probably make my journey a little easier. I called my step-mom and she said she would be right over and take me wherever I needed to go. As I got ready to go my husband and my boys were

A Day in Time

With a heart filled with love and uncertainty about a future at separate colleges, geographically quite far apart... I permitted emotions and honest, heart-felt intimacy to over-rule logical thinking. The day was a beauty... rays of sun found their way through the trees, to reflect off the cool water of the gently running stony brook that meandered through the lush green glen... I always felt nostalgic about the "Old Abandoned Cobblestone Mill" near by... Like a ray of sunlight from the heavens above Samantha became a gift from God that day! I didn't know till months later during my first semester at nursing school... nausea and vomiting gradually took over my days, making class attendance difficult. A dorm mate suggested a pregnancy test... the symbol on the stick looked like a (+). The follow-up physician's visit and blood work confirmed that indeed, "I was going to have a baby"! "What about Nursing School?" "I am going to have a baby!