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Showing posts from 2011

Some Thoughts...

I have been wandering without a true creative outlet for some time now... it was right in front of me all the while... just write! Most recent thoughts to ponder are two... Chicken Integration & Family Feuds First the Chickens: Our three laying hens have a beautiful custom hen house and two to three hours a day of open yard free ranging. They enjoy being held and talked to. The down side is that they are several years old now and have ceased to produce eggs. I guess they have become pets for the remainder of their time on earth. Our neighbor girl enjoys farming and animals of all types. She and I got three new chicks about three months ago... two for her and one for me. After about 6 weeks I tried to integrate my chick with my older hens... it didn't work out. The older hens were intolerant to the change. The chicks stayed at the neighbor's house till yesterday. Yesterday we put the three chicks (now three months old) in the pen with the older hens... It is now about 24 hou

Alternate Entry Format... Which do you like best? Raw or Polished... Compare this post against previous post & let me know...

Rare Disease Art Contest- 3 Piece Pencil Metaphor for Living w AIP

"Real Connections" & Providing Chap Stick

When last I wrote the world around me was consumed with "Hurricane Irene", and justly so. Many suffered significant damage related to the storm... and for that my heart is saddened for their loss. My local area has minimal damage to contend with and "the clean-up" is in process. My "brain", my "thoughts" they come and go like most...I suppose. Today I awoke from dreaming about my brother. I have six brothers...four genetic brothers (one full/ three half), and two step-brothers (imagine the challenge the geneticist had trying to chart my pedigree)so let me clarify... I woke up from a dream about the brother I always knew existed... but have never "known". In the dream he and I were talking, it was the middle of the night and we were in the former home of our other brother. My heart was in his hand as I searched for some "common ground" to plant a seed that might bloom into a close sibling relationship... He was upset and I

Nature Roars...While Life Goes On

I have lived between South Central New York and Maryland my whole life... two days ago I experienced feeling my first earthquake! Honestly, I thought the foundation on my old house had finally gave way and the house was caving in... but just then my neighbor called to ask me if "my house was shaking too" (she thought her house was caving in as well)...whew "just an earthquake, 5.8 I hear. Both of our houses are fine. Now we are preparing for a "terrible hurricane" due to strike tomorrow. Everyone is worried...Ocean City "closed" at 5pm today...turned off all electric, all water, and evacuated all residents and vacationers. New York City is considering closing all mass transit. Wow, Irene is certainly commanding a lot of attention. The coastal areas may face serious damage... but we live 30 minutes inland. I am not quite sure what is wrong with me... I don't feel like everyone else... I feel calm... no sense of fear or motivation to buy great qua

Emotional Catharsis

Life Unscripted As previously mentioned we recently spent a few weeks in my hometown area related to my oldest daughter's wedding. The wedding day came and went without issue. My baby girl was a beautiful bride and is now a happy her Mr.. The second week of our time there was scheduled as "down time"... time to relax and enjoy visiting with friends and family. One day that second week I awoke feeling the need to re-connect with my past; to settle emotional "loose strings"; to change somethings about my life. We had traveled home in my husband's old manual stick shift F150 truck... kayak on top... back packed full of everything but the kitchen sink. I don't drive his truck as well as I should to go out on my own for the day, besides a good insightful partner would probably make my journey a little easier. I called my step-mom and she said she would be right over and take me wherever I needed to go. As I got ready to go my husband and my boys were

A Day in Time

With a heart filled with love and uncertainty about a future at separate colleges, geographically quite far apart... I permitted emotions and honest, heart-felt intimacy to over-rule logical thinking. The day was a beauty... rays of sun found their way through the trees, to reflect off the cool water of the gently running stony brook that meandered through the lush green glen... I always felt nostalgic about the "Old Abandoned Cobblestone Mill" near by... Like a ray of sunlight from the heavens above Samantha became a gift from God that day! I didn't know till months later during my first semester at nursing school... nausea and vomiting gradually took over my days, making class attendance difficult. A dorm mate suggested a pregnancy test... the symbol on the stick looked like a (+). The follow-up physician's visit and blood work confirmed that indeed, "I was going to have a baby"! "What about Nursing School?" "I am going to have a baby!

My Heart Weeps

Just returned home from my oldest daughter's Bridal Shower... 7 hours there...7 hours back... beautiful weather both drives. Rode with my younger daughter in her car she bought from Fred Flinstone (small and low to the ground)... lots of tractor trailers on the interstate that caused her constant anxiety... It was nice to spend time with her, she is usually so busy these heart weeps inside as I realize how independent she has become. The party was on Sunday, we arrived the preceding Friday evening and stayed with the bride-to-be. It was a good to be back in my hometown... like the comfort of well worn slippers... it was a nice visit...I miss my heart weeps inside seeing her again. On Saturday we went to the bridal shop for a dress fitting... the wedding gown is stunning... the bride is young, full of life and would look beautiful wearing a burlap bag... her $40. shoes won't work... they are two shades off what they need to be and my daugh

A Book that Sounds Good

This book was the topic of an article in the Sunday Paper... "Lighten Up: Love What You Have, Have What You Need, Be Happier With Less" Written by: Peter Walsh It looks like a good read.

Reminiscing Northern Appalachian Roots

(1969- 1999) Northern Appalachia (South Central NY State) with its simple country ways, whispers nostalgic memories of years gone by... Reminding me of a, less complex... raw and natural world... Outhouses...old ringer washing machines, that bent the metal buttons on my button fly jeans... Clothes lines...wooden clothes pins... Crochet...quilting...knitting...sewing...dressmaking Chopping Wood and stacking it in the Shed "Hay-ing" Planting...growing...harvesting...canning... Breeding...birthing...feeding...raising...butchering... Cooking The rocks, earth and trees... More rocks, earth and trees... Large family get-togethers Sledding...biking...hiking...horseback riding... Swimming in the creek with siblings, cousins and neighbors... Mercurochrome Iodine "Vicks Vapor Rub" Whiskey, honey and lemon... a "Whiskey Sling" to treat respiratory illnesses Cod Liver "cure what ails you" "Old Lye Soap"... to calm itchy r

Writing Contest

National Nurses’ Week 2011 “My Most Memorable Experience as a Nurse” Writing Contest All of us have had that one experience as a nurse that we will never forget, the patient or family who touched our hearts, the extraordinarily funny experience that still keeps us laughing years later, or the incredibly sad loss of a patient that still aches at our hearts today. Whatever that experience may be. We want to hear about it! The Nurses Week 2011 Theme is Nurses: Trusted to Care. Research has shown that Nursing is a highly trusted profession. We became that way because of our heart, soul, and passion for what we do. That’s why we remember those days that may have gone forgotten! My Entry: My Most Memorable Experience as a Nurse One day years ago in central NY State I received what seemed to be a simple Home Health (HH) Nursing referral. My new patient (pt) was described as an elderly gentleman diagnosed with bilateral lower extremity cellulitis. Upon arriving at his apartment, I noticed that

Mothers & Daughters: Different Pieces... Same Cloth

Some of us are cut running against the grain... others of us follow the grain. Many of us have "rough edges"... while others are smooth. Some pieces compliment each other forming a unified whole... Some pieces won't fit or work well with each other no matter how hard you try. What comforts me the most is the innate sense of "knowing"... Understanding without the need for words... Mothers & Daughters are extensions of each others "spiritual existence". 2 pieces of the same cloth!

Book Review

I just finished this book today. It was an easy and fun read. The elderly always make me smile... I like their stories...I respect their mannerisms. They have seen so much throughout their lifetime... They have "been there and done that"... In my experience...people commonly have less "filtering" the older we get, becoming much more direct... open... straight to the point... I love this type of raw human is simply refreshing! The woman who interviews the "Centenarians" does a program for "National Public Radio (NPR)" and initially doesn't have much experience with the elderly. It is fun to watch her geriatric insight sprout and bloom paralleled with the "Centenarian" stories of the past and the present. My interest is further peaked by a reference book the author mentions, "A General Theory of Love". I plan to add it to my library focuses on "the biological basis for human".

Book Review read this book and thought I might like it... I borrowed it...I read it... This book gave me a sense of peace. Peace with death... Peace with dying in general... Peace about my dad's recent death... Peace about grandma's recent death... Peace at the thought of my own mortality. I had more peace in my heart and spirit than I had ever known in my entire life! As a nurse of many years myself, I could relate to the patient stories... Having recently lost several loved ones to death, I related as a grieving family member... But most significantly, as a believer in God, I felt his presence deeper, richer and more supportive than ever! Trudy, a long time Hospice Nurse, does a terrific job sharing the "end of life" stories of several patients and loved ones throughout her life. Instead of remaining uncertain or scared of the transition from this world to the next... you put the book down with a sense of warm understanding.


I am a goal gives me direction...something to work toward...meaning...and a sense of accomplishment. Throughout life I have learned to be flexible with my goals...modifying them as needed to accommodate what is Personal Life Goals: Solid Marriage...healthy well-mannered children...extended family...Love! A home that meets our needs...pets to enjoy...friends...Spiritual Connection... Home decorating...updating...remoldeling...backyard farming...gardening...hobbies (crochet, bead work, writing, digital scrap booking, art) Career Goals Completed: Become an RN...get a a rewarding progressive career Design, build and operate my own Nursing Business (Nostalgic Nursing Services) Administration Director Positions...Nursing Foot Care Specialist Training Completed... Nursing Informatics Training Completed... Health Educator (Health care Facility Staff Development and Community College Teacher)...Case Management Specialist (Community-Based and A

The Sunday Paper

One of my favorite marriage relationship rituals is Reading the Sunday Paper together over a cup of tea or coffee. While the kids play in their rooms (or outside if it's nice) We check out the sales... We discuss sports... We read each other articles and discuss our views... I really look forward to this simple time and will cherish these moments forever* Life is far too short not to realize that "the little things can mean the most"! Today's Paper: 1. "Huckleberry Finn", by Mark Twain is revised... due to the word "nigger" being in the story, "an average of 5 times on some pages"... "over 200 times in the book" I believe that school-aged children would benefit from a "G-rated" version of this classic tale. 2. Rheumatoid Arthritis is escalating in our country... My take is that this and several other common autoimmune disorders are linked to environmental and lifestyle factors like diet (high in processed foods and glu

A Multivitamin for Thought

Finding Quinoa (keen- wa)

About two months ago I was introduced to Quinoa... So what is soo great about that??? Everything! I love pasta and all that is carb-a-liscious...but sadly I have developed a sensitivity to gluten! I tried rice pasta but it was kind of slimy and didn't taste so hot. Rice and I can only tolerate each other in small encounters anyhow. Which left me searching for more than potatoes could offer alone. Then I met Quinoa:-) A Gluten Free "Ancient South American Grain" A "Super Food" high in protein and fiber!!! It comes in both grain form as well as a delicious pasta...what more could a food sensitive carbohydrate seeker want in life!! I can even prepare the grain in my $10. rice cooker as a 1:2, grain: water ratio press the cook button and walk away!!! I love Quinoa!!!

New Year... New Canvas...Let's Paint!

Two days ago my "2010 canvas" was completed... It is forever displayed in my heart and soul as a bitter-sweet cornucopia of color... Fences were mended with my youngest daughter... She came home and went back to college! My brother got divorced... and I lost a good friend. Insight was gained to help my sons' well being... My husband and I have learned to invest in gently "molding" them every day! I found a professional position that seems to be a great fit for me, my health and my family... I bought a wedding gown for my first born baby girl! I watched the same daughter graduate college, turn 21, and start her graduate education... My grandmother... one of the dearest women in my life...left this world. I was blessed to spend the last 2.5 weeks of my father's life with him...with my stepmother...and with my dad made his way to meet grandma "on the other side". Yesterday began the mental mulling over how 2011 should look???? What are m